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The Future Homes Standard: How Apex Renewable Energy Surveys is Paving the Way to Help Developers Switch to Air Source Heat Pump Installations.

Updated: Dec 5, 2024

How Apex Is Helping Developers switch to air source heat pump installations

As the UK is switching towards sustainable energy and their target of net zero one of the main industries and will be undergoing radical changes is the property development industry. With UK government announcing the future homes standard the market is shifting because as of 2025 no new properties will be allowed to install gas boilers. The gas boiler ban in 2025 is a massive challenge that all developers will be facing but Apex Renewable Energy Surveys is already at the forefront of this change with over 50,000 heat pump surveys under our belt and with over 30,000 heat loss calculations completed we are the leading experts in heat pump survey and designs. We proved crucial services for everything you will need to smoothly integrate heat pumps into your future housing projects.

“Apex Legacy of Excellence: Over 50,000 Surveys and over 30,000 Heat Loss Calculations”

Apex Renewable Energy Surveys has already established itself as the leader in the UK on surveys and heat loss calculations in the renewable sector. With our impressive track record of over 50,000 surveys and 30,000 heat loss calculations and professional setup you will never look back. These achievements are a testament to our expertise, precision and most of all commitment to our customer base by delivering the best-in-class service to our customers.

Our companies extensive experience has equipped us with the knowledge and skills needed to overcome any challenge that come with air source heat pumps. By providing you with detailed and accurate surveys, Apex Renewable Energy Surveys will ensure that every project undertake is completed and performed to an outstanding standard. Our in-house heat loss calculation tool has been specifically built by us over the years to optimise the efficiency of the systems and processes through-out our company and this tool will play a crucial role in knowing you have made the right choice with using Apex for your heat pump survey and designs.

How Apex Renewable Energy Surveys is Helping Developers Transition from Gas Boilers and Helping them Switch to Air Source Heat Pump Installations

Adding an air source heat pump solution to any property is no easy task and Apex Renewable Energy systems offer a bespoke solution to allow installers an easier task of installing these systems. Apex specialise in heat pump surveys and design and we are the first survey and design only company in the UK to be fully registered with MCS. Here is a step-by-step guide on how Apex Renewable Energy Surveys can help you plan your air source heat pump installation. Apex Renewable Energy Surveys can making help you switch towards air source heat pump installations.

Comprehensive Heat Pump Survey

Before any work can begin with an air source heat pump you first need to make sure the property has had the adequate survey this could be either through blueprints and plans or an onsite survey. Apex Renewable Energy Surveys have completed over 50,000 surveys in the UK and are the leading specialists in survey and designs within in the UK. These surveys take into considerations factors such as:

·         Insulation Levels

·         Building Fabrication

·         Building Layout

·         Building Location

·         Space Available

Heat Loss Calculations

After the survey has been completed Apex Renewable Energy Surveys will then perform professional and in-depth heat loss calculations on the property to provide you with the correct information to help you plan and install the most efficient system for your heating solution. Apex Renewable Energy Surveys have completed over 30,000 heat loss calculations helping many installers achieve their goals on maximising their installations.

What are the Benefits of Using Apex Renewable Energy Surveys for Your Heat Loss Calculations?

System Sizing

Correctly sizing an air source heat pump is critical to the performance of the system. Apex use detailed data collected from our surveys to calculate the optimum size of the air source heat pump ensuring it the meets the heating demand of the property. We will achieve this with a level of accuracy that is second to none meaning that you will not be installing on oversized or undersized heat pump in the property.

Piping Sizing

One of the unique features of our in-house heat loss calculation tool is at apex we can calculate the size of the piping that you will be required to use through the property to ensure the best performance form the system.

Radiator or Emitter Sizing

Apex Renewable Energy Surveys will also carefully select the emitter needs for the air source heat pump installation. Whether this be with the use radiators or underfloor heating you can rest assured that the system will be designed with the utmost care to maximising the efficiency of the system.

Installation Planning

The design phase will also include any specific factors that must be taken into consideration when installation the heat pump. This is essential for guiding you into the installation process ensuring that system will operate as intended from day one.

By providing you with a full service from end-to-end apex will ensure that every aspect of the heat pump system is optimised for efficiency, reliability but more importantly longevity.

Benefits of Choosing Apex Renewable Energy Surveys

When it comes to installing air source heat pump in compliance with the up-and-coming gas boiler ban in 2025 choosing the right surveying and design partner will be the most important step and one of the most crucial decisions you will need to get right. Apex Renewable Energy Surveys offers a wide range of benefits that makes us the ideal choice for homeowners, developers and installers alike.

Unmatched Expertise and Experience

Apex Renewable Energy Surveys brings years of experience in the renewable industry with a particular focus on air source heat pumps and solar panel systems. Our team is built of seasoned professionals who are well versed in the:

·         Technology

·         Regulations

·         Practise’s

·         Problem solving Aspects of Renewable Technology

With over 50,000 surveys and 30,00 heat loss calculations Apex Renewable Energy Surveys can assure that we are unmatched in the industry.

Customised Solutions to Air Source Heat Pumps

Every property is unique and poses its own challenges and Apex Renewable Energy Surveys understands the importance of providing the correct information and solutions for your chosen heating system. Our surveys and designs are custom built to achieve the specific needs of each property ensuring that the air source heat pump system us perfectly suited for the property and its needs.

The focus on compliance will not only help you avoid any potential legal issues down the road, but it also ensures that the heating system is adequality designed and specified.


Apex Renewable Energy Surveys is driven by its commitment to our customers and professionalism. By promoting the installations of air source heat pumps through our unique approach to survey and design we strive to help the UK push towards its net zero targets.

Why Use Apex Renewable Energy Surveys?

Whether you’re a homeowner looking to upgrade your heating system or a developer planning to install air source heat pumps on all your new builds. Apex Renewable Energy Surveys has the expertise, knowledge and experience to guide you through the process.

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Registered Office, 2c Kings Mews, Doncaster DN1 1JD, registered in England and Wales: 12384048

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