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Who Invented Solar Panels? The History and Progress Behind Solar Panels

Updated: Dec 5, 2024

Solar panels also known as photovoltaic panels, are one of the most important renewable inventions of our time in our blog we will go on to explain the full history of solar panels. They harness the suns power and convert this energy into electricity allowing us to generate electricity from sunlight. Solar panels have been crucial in the battle to help climate change. The invention of solar panels didn’t happen overnight the invention of solar panels was done over centuries involving numerous scientists, researchers and innovators.

History of Solar Panels

Ancient Solar Technology

Using the sun for technology is not just something that has been done in the modern era it was done centuries before the ancient Greeks and Romans were using solar energy all the way bath in the 7th century BCE.

They would often light ceremonial torches by reflecting the sun's energy to the torch. They would achieve this with the use of mirrors. They would often put a ring around the torch with mirrors, focusing the sun's energy into one place to light the torch. This method could also be used to time the torches, as if you angle the mirrors to work when the sun is at its highest point, the torch would light once the sun achieved a certain place in the sky.

They would also construct their building in such a manner that it would harness’s the sun power and light to help keep the room warmer while also help keep the rooms lighting to a better standard.

There are also more common ways of using the sun in ancient times and the main one that people used to use was sun dials to help tell the time. This effectively would be a circle stand with an object sticking up high in the centre and has the sun moved through the sky the shadow on the circle platform would change allowing people to tell the time.  The oldest known sundial was found in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt and was believed to be around 3500 years old.

The Earl Days of Modern Solar Panels

Edmond Becquerel – Photovoltaic Effect in 1839

The first indication that light could be used to generate electricity was discovered in 1839 when French physicist Alexandre Edmond Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect. He discovered this at 19 years old during an experiment involving a conductive solution. He noticed that shining a light on solver chloride electrodes generates an electric current.

Although the discover at this stage was ground breaking it remained theoretical as there were no practical applications of this at the times. But it was the first demonstration that sunlight could be converted int electric allowing other to further innovate this process.

Willoughby Smith – The Photoconductivity of Selenium in 1873

British engineer Willoughby Smith discovered the photoconductivity of selenium which was another major milestone in solar panel history. The discovery found that selenium’s electrical conductivity improved when exposed to light. This discovery didn’t make any immediate changes to the innovation of solar panels dir4ecxtly at the time but would end up becoming the leading catalysts to the very first solar panel system installation.


William Grylls Adams and Richard Evans Day – The First Big Step in 1876

With the help of Willoughby Smith, William Grylls Adams and Richard Evans Day started experiments on his work to see what was possible at the time. During the experiment that demonstrated that selenium could produce electricity when exposed to sunlight they even made a first type of solar, but this was a specific cell to work in lab conditions, but this was the first time that a measured amount of electricity was produce from sunlight without the need of heat or other influence.

Charles Edgar Fritts – The First Commercial Solar Cell in 1883

Charles Fritts created the first solar cell he did the by adding a thin layer of gold to the selenium within in the cell this made the current constant. This made the cells 1-2% efficient this is when Charles Fritts would take the next step.

Charles Edgar Fritts – The First Roof Top Solar Panel Installation in 1884

Charles Fritts would go on to turn a bunch of these cells into the first solar array that he would install a roof in New York city. The solar panels where successful and started to generate power but with the high costs of production and low efficiency of the system the cost effectiveness of generating electricity this was sadly not in the right place.

Albert Einstein - The Photoelectric Effect in 1905

In 1905 Albert Einstein would publish a paper explaining the photoelectric effect this was a critical phenomenon for understanding how solar panels would work. He proposed the light would consists of photons which are particles and when these particles hit certain materials that would release electrons. Releasing electrons is what causes the generation of an electric current this paper earned Einstein his Nobel prize in physics in 1921 and greatly influenced the innovations of solar technology.

This paper from Einstein would bridge the gap from earl experiments and would eventually lead to the invention of a practical solar cell.

Bell Labs - The Creation of the First Modern Solar Cell in 1954

The Birth of modern solar panels occurred in 1954 when a team of scientist at Bell Labs created the first practical silicon photovoltaic cell. This development of often credited as the invention of the modern solar panels.

The first solar cells were developed to help power phone system in remote locations where electricity was in short supply and costly to get there. While working the silicon which is one of the most abundant materials on the planet, they discovered that it was far more efficient at converting energy than selenium was. The first silicon solar cell was 6% effect which was far higher than the first cell produced by Charles Fritts.


Nasa – Early Applications of Solar Panels in 1958

While the cost of producing solar panels in this time Nasa found a use for solar panels on the Vanguard 1 satellite. This was launched by the United States and became the first electrical item to use solar power for energy. Solar panels went on to the main source of power for satellites due to its lightweight and long-lasting nature. They even went on to add solar panels to all future spacecraft and even the space station.


The Rise of Solar Power in 1973

Solar energy was a niche technology until the 1973 oil crisis happened which then spurred on the interest in renewable technology. The global reliance on fossil fuels led to the economic collapse of oil which highlighted the need for renewable energy not just for helping the environment but for economic reasons too.

In response to the crisis governments, universities and private companies began to invest heavily into solar technology and research. All these combined efforts led to the affordability of solar cells.

Elliott Berman – Affordable Solar Cells in 1976

In the 1970’s Dr Elliott Berman played a massive role in reducing the costs of solar cells he was considered the Henry Ford of the solar word. Is new innovative manufacturing method allowed for solar cells to be mass produced while also lowering the costs of production by around 80%. This was the true becoming of commercially available solar panels.

Elon Musk and Solar City – from 2006

In the modern setting of solar panels there probably isn’t a single person on earth that doesn’t know Elon Musk is the leading expert in solar panel and battery technology. He pioneered the growth of SolarCity which grew to become the largest solar energy provider in the US before it was acquired by Tesla in 2016.

Musk has a vision for a sustainable future and is leading the way forward in battery technology to help push solar even further along.

The History of Solar Panels Timeline

Ancient Egypt – Sundial in 3500 BCE

Edmond Becquerel – Photovoltaic Effect in 1839

William Grylls Adams and Richard Evans Day – The First Big Step in 1876

Charles Edgar Fritts – The First Commercial Solar Cell in 1883

Charles Edgar Fritts – The First Roof Top Solar Panel Installation in 1884

Albert Einstein - The Photoelectric Effect in 1905

Bell Labs - The Creation of the First Modern Solar Cell in 1954

Nasa – Early Applications of Solar Panels in 1958

The Rise of Solar Power in 1973

Elliott Berman – Affordable Solar Cells in 1976

Elon Musk and Solar City – from 2006

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